Spår: Swedish and 2 English Translations

På natten klockan två: månsken. Tåget har stannat
mitt ute på slätten. Långt borta ljuspunkter i en stad,
flimrande kallt vid synranden.  
Som när en människa gått in i en dröm så djupt
att hon aldrig ska minnas att hon var där
när hon återvänder till sitt rum.  
Och som när någon gått in i en sjukdom så djupt
att allt som var hans dagar blir några flimrande
            punkter, en svärm,
kall och ringa vid synranden.  
Tåget står fullkomligt stilla.
Klockan två: starkt månsken, få stjärnor.

from Secrets on the Way, 1954-1958

translation by Robert Bly (2)
 2 A.M. moonlight. The train has stopped
out in a field. Far off sparks of light from a town,
flickering coldly on the horizon.
As when a man goes so deep into his dream
he will never remember he was there
when he returns again to his view.
Or when a person goes so deep into a sickness
that his days all become some flickering sparks, a
feeble and cold on the horizon.
The train is entirely motionless.
2 o'clock: strong moonlight, few stars.

translation by May Swenson
Night, two o'clock: moonlight. The train has stopped
in the middle of the plain. Distant bright points of a town
twinkle cold on the horizon.
As when someone has gone into a dream so far
that he'll never remember he was there
when he comes back to his room.
And as when someone goes into a sickness so deep
that all his former days become twinkling points, a swarm,
cold and feeble on the horizon.
The train stands perfectly still.
Two o'clock: full moonlight, few stars.